
The Lamest Burger

Last night we went to Red Robin for dinner. I ate the lamest burger ever there because of my new dietary restrictions. I am now off of dairy, soy and all things spicy or acidic so as not to make my daughter bleed or have a horrific diaper rash.

My lame burger was a plain patty (no ketchup, mustard, etc.) with a huge slice of raw onion, in a bun made of lettuce. So beef, onion and lettuce. That's it. Thank goodness for their seasoned fries.

On a positive note, because my diet is so limiting, I have only 8.5 pounds to lose to reach my ideal weight. Not bad for just having a baby 3 months ago, I guess.


running shoes said...

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! So Emily has allergies too?! Dang-it. But good for your 8.5! It's been 8 months for me and I have at least 10. You go with your lettuce, beef thing.

Amanda Lomonaco said...

Yes she does. Perhaps worse than Lucas did. Hers showed up when she was just one month old and his didn't materialize until he was 4 months.

Thus far, hers are dairy and soy.

running shoes said...

Bummer, my running friend. At least you'll be ready for bathing suit season. Merry Christmas to you too!

christa said...

Click on me for a suprise. That sounds dirty doesn't it?

Unknown said...

That does sound dirty. But I clicked! What does that say about ME????