

We ventured out to Napa Valley this weekend on our first major outing since Lucas was born. He was so good, sleeping most of the 2 hour car ride there and through our whole picnic lunch, too. When he finally woke up, we walked around the winery gift shop for a little bit before we turned around and headed home.

A funny thing happened in the wine shop...A man holding a little baby boy about Lucas' size approached my mother-in-law to ask her a question. Instead of answering him, she shot back with another question. "Is that my grandson?" she demanded thinking that he had either abducted Lucas or that we were playing a trick on her. Turned out that it was a different kid a few weeks younger who really looked similar to my son. He was even wearing the same hat that Lucas had on that day. We got to talking to the couple and they live near us in Sacramento. After exchanging numbers with them, we parted and then ran into them again the next day at another tourist area called Old Sacramento. What a random way to meet new friends! At least I hope that they become our friends. After all, our sons could pass for twins.

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