
Sock Sucker

As I type this, my son is just nodding off to sleep after sucking on his sock. No, he is not a contortionist. The sock is on his hand. We have him wear his "hand socks" as we call them to keep him from scratching his face with his spastic newborn hands and razor sharp nails. They also keep him warm.

In the past week, it seems that he has discovered his thumb. Apparently, it tastes good to him, much to our dismay. Thumb sucking is a hard habit to break, not to mention the fact that it messes up kid's teeth. When I catch him munching on it, I try to pull it out and substitute it with a pacifier. He just makes a miserable face, spits the pacifier out and resumes shoving his sock-covered fist in his face. One would think that the sock on his hand would dissuade him from thumb sucking. Not so. Lucas just sucks away at the stinky sock and makes a face like I would when biting into a fine piece of chocolate.

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