
Not Ready Yet

A day shy of 8 weeks to go. Less than 2 months from now is B-day. The day that will forever change our lives and will go down in history...at least in our family's books. All of a sudden, we will be the caregivers of another person. A little, delicate person, who will rely on us entirely to provide for it's every need. Can I do this?!

I feel so unprepared. We seem to have a fraction of what we need to support this little thing. Heck, I don't even have any diapers or many clothes yet. The house is not completely moved after 4 months of being here. There are still boxes in the babies room that need to be sorted and placed in a home. The nursery needs to be set up. There are blankets and booties and baby powder to buy. Little clothing to wash in Dreft. I still need to learn how to give birth. We start that class next week. And Mike's car is up on jacks and being worked on in the garage. SO much still to do. And I am so tired. I am feeling overwhelmed.

Maybe we should reconsider this parenthood thing. HA! Not a chance. Either way, ready or not, little Lomonaco is coming soon and we will just figure this whole thing out as we go. Just like our parents did. And we're not too messed up...right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just read this: "i still need to learn how to give birth."


You're such a crack-up. Miss you!!!!