
33 Weeks

So here I am at 33-34 weeks pregnant. I'm being told constantly how cute I look. And by cute, I am quite sure that people mean HUGE.

I have about 6 weeks to go. I can't believe how quickly that is coming up.

There is still much to do in this time to prep for our new little girl, but I am not really getting too worried about it yet. What's a few loads of laundry, cleaning an entire house and setting up Emily's new big girl bedroom? Really is it such a big deal if I don't get to any of that? NO!

I threw in this photo of Mike so that you can see what poor children we have. A couple of nuts for parents. Sorry, kids.

1 comment:

running shoes said...

yay! prego pictures- you look adorable, yet somehow in the first one like your going to be trapped.