My little girl, who became obsessed with ballerinas late last year because she received a Nutcracker book, just took her first Tiny Tots dance class last weekend. She did awesome, especially for a two year old.
She loved following her teacher and romping around in her tutu and new ballet shoes on her toes with the other girls.
I wasn't sure what to expect, because she often yells at me to stop dancing with her when "ballet" (classical music) is on and I try to join in at home.
"NO, Emily dance!" she says while swinging at me to sit down and go away.
I've been working on her and told her that she would have to dance with the other girls and be nice in class or the teacher would ask her to leave. She did just fine--no arm swings or threatening comments. I was so proud!
She is so into ballerinas that she begs to put on her tutu first thing every morning. Wants to dance to music throughout the day. And sleeps with her Nutcracker book and tutu cradled in her arms. She gets out of bed to get the tutu each night to take in there with her.
As a side note, we are planning to name her new baby sister Clara Joy after the main character and ballerina in her favorite story. And as an added bonus, Clara is my grandma's middle name and Michael's grandma's confirmation name and Joy is my sweet sister's middle name.