
Sweetest Things

* Lucas' milk breath
* The frantic sound of his gulping when he first starts feeding...the kid doesn't come up for air
* The way he stretches by jutting his little dimpled chin out and thrusting up his arms
* Baby sighs and all of the various precious sounds he makes
* Mike holding our son
* The way he smiles when he is satisfied (really he's probably just pooping, but I like to think that he is smiling at me)
* The peaceful expression on his face as he sleeps
* The silly, non-traditional way that he sucks his thumb for comfort...the thumb in the mouth and the rest of the fingers splayed out on his face
* His little, kicky frog legs that curl up as we are trying to change his diaper (making it nearly impossible to fasten the sides)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Milk breath??! eewww....