It is so easy not to blog anymore. There are a million other things that are pulling at me...but let me give it another try. Seeing that the last post was a summer recipe, it has clearly been awhile.
Today, I got to experience what being the mother of a blanket baby sounds like. Clara's been into her blankie (a cute duckie one that a friend, Anna, made for Emily when she was an infant)for a month or so now. It's really sweet to see how she cradles it, drags it around with her, cuddles with it while sucking her thumb. She calls to it when it is not around "DUCK!" Sounds more like "Guck," I think.
Well this morning, I decided that it was time to wash her bedding, including her blankie. I did not tread gently, waiting for her to put it down. I just marched right up and took it, telling her that I needed to wash it.
I ran up to her room and attempted to find her a substitute blankie while hers was out of commission. None of them appealed to her. Soon the tears dried and she moved off to do something else. But a couple hours later when she had her "Guck" back all fresh and warm out of the dryer, you should have seen her face. She danced with it. I played a game of taking it away from her and she squealed and giggled. And the kid could hardly concentrate on eating her lunch because she wanted to get her blankie back.