I have been feeling a little down this week. Mainly with Pampered Chef and my supposed to be happening running training program.
Pampered Chef has me down because I've come to a road block, I've exhausted my contacts (this is not really true, but it feels like it)and my August calendar is completely open with NO business coming in as of yet. It seems like the bulk of my friends here, though I haven't really asked many people outright, are not really interested in hosting parties. I want to do well with this (well as in bring in a 3-4 shows per month), but I don't want to do what it takes to do well. Like asking people to host a show for me. Being a pushy sales person sucks, but so does not making money. It's also hard because I don't know that many people here (we've been in town for just shy of 3 years now) and I have been mostly introverted being overwhelmed with the kids. It seems so wrong to start calling people up out of the blue to ask for their business. Sigh.
I have the running blues because my partner finally quit on me this week. At least she can't train for the marathon with me which translates into she can't run more than 2 times per week or do any long runs. That is really when I need a partner for...the long runs. I called up another friend to see if she will do weekly long runs with me. Her name is Erin. It rhymes with Sharon, my current partner and Karin, my beloved Orlando partner (who quit on me too, what do I do wrong with my partners?!). No word back from Erin. If your name is Darrin or Taryn or something else that sounds similar, and you want to train for a marathon, give me a call.
Blogging has been pretty hard to do lately. I've been so exhausted and overwhelmed. I even thought that I might be pregnant earlier in the week and joyfully found out that this was not the case. NOT ANOTHER BABY!!! NOT YET! I AM NOT READY OR ABLE TO HANDLE ANY MORE KIDS NOW. I am already on the brink of insanity.
As I type, Emily is howling and starting to sound hoarse in her bed. Her new thing is not wanting to take her naps. She used to do just fine, falling asleep soon after putting her down after sometimes fussing for a few minutes. That former blissful few minutes of fussing is turning into almost an hour of outright screaming. She is a stubborn little girl, she is standing up, her face all runny and her heels are dug in. She is determined to win. And so am I. Who will be victorious?
On a positive note, I used the treadmill for the first time yesterday. I christened it with a 3.25 mile run during their naps. It felt great to be able to exercise and do something for ME for a change during the day. And I got a shower in afterwards as an added bonus.
I think that Emily will win today. Again. After going in to comfort her 4-5 times, she is not letting up. No nap for her this afternoon.
Damn, and I really needed one today.
Just look at this girl pleased as punch with her new, big girl skills...does she look like she is not thriving to you?? Emily can now pull herself to standing (she greeted me this way after a nap last week), is starting to cruise around holding onto furniture, and runs when she is clutching my fingers for balance. She is also starting to stand on her own momentarily now. She will be walking soon, we suspect.

Though her blood work came back that she is anemic (she isn't eating much in the form of solids to get iron), she seems normal in every other way. We have a few more tests and specialists to see, but at this point, the docs can just bite it as far as I am concerned.
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